KADA Recommended Products and Services
Kentucky Automobile Dealers (KADA)
offers a broad line of products and services aimed at controlling expenses in
every facet of the dealership. Many of these products and/or services are
offered through the association by companies recommended by the association’s
Board of Directors. These companies are reviewed annually to select the most
responsible vendors who can provide special pricing through group buying.
Dealer Performance Group/EasyCare
Extended Warranty
Program Brad Geren, 502-472-3671 Email: bgeren@dpg-inc.com
Todd Howard, 859-699-7222 Email: thoward@dpg-inc.com
Kevin Voges, 812-204-2251 Email: kvoges@dpg-inc.com
Ensures your compliance with Federal Safety & Environmental Guidelines
Tamara Garris, 704-243-6652 Cell: 704-488-1267
Email: Email: tgarris@kpaonline.com
American Fidelity Assurance Group Disability Income Insurance
Kathleen Weisenbach, 800-450-3506
Email: kathleen.weisenbach@americanfidelity.com
Reynolds & Reynolds Forms and Printing – Provides dealerships with one stop for all
forms & printing
Tim Edwards, 937-416-9868
Email: tim_edwards@reyrey.com
American Financial Credit Insurance Program
Mitch Thompson, 912-244-9306
Email: wmthompson@afasinc.com
McNulty & Associates have helped many new car dealers complete
the sale or purchaseof a dealership with complete confidentiality
Pat McNulty, 800-800-4728
Email: patsr@mcnultyusa.com
ADMIC Automobile Dealers Mutual Insurance Company (ADMIC)
Jon Baughman, 502-489-6131
Email: jonb@uscky.com
AutoTrader.com gives dealers a more systematic approach to organizing and maintaining internet merchandising across dealer, manufacturer and
3rd party classified sites
Steve Wheatley, 859-481-5034
Email: steve.wheatley@autotrader.com
BB&T KADA’s Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association Medical Plan – Competitive rates and coverage for dealerships
Jim Dingus, 859-422-3883 Email:jdingus@bbandt.com

SPEEDWAY Receive a discount off the pump price for gasoline purchases at SuperAmerica, Speedway and Marathon
Derrick L Forward 937-668-4727
Email: dlforward@speedway.com
Dealertrack Transforming the way the world buys, sells and owns cars.
Chuck True, 859-250-8749
Email: chuck.true@dealertrack.com
G & K Services Uniform Services – Professional Quality Uniforms
Scot Haire, 502-744-3016
Email: khaire@gkservices.com