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Directory Advertising

152 Consumer Lane, Frankfort KY 40601
(502) 695-3333 FAX NUMBER (502) 695-5790

2016 Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide
Advertising Space Reservation Form

*Premium positions filled on a first come first served basis.

Please select one of the following options in reserving advertising space in the 2016 Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide of the Kentucky Automobile Dealers Association. 

_____ Inside Front Cover (price includes full color) $900.00

_____ Inside Back Cover (price includes full color) $900.00 

 _____ Back Cover (price includes full color) $900.00

_____ Four-Color Ad Inside Directory $750.00

_____ Full Page (Black & White) $600.00

_____ Half Page (Color) $600.00

_____ Half Page (Black & White) $450.00

All yearbook ad prices based on clients providing electronic file. Computer files with all fonts and images included should be provided in one of the following formats:

Indesign, Print Ready PDF, Illustrator File or PhotoShop File
Ads that bleed the image should extend 1/8 inch past the trim line

(Email to

• Ads must be received no later than January 15, 2016

_________________________________________ ________________________
Advertiser                                                                     Contact Person

Address                                                             City                             State                 Zip

Telephone                                                                     Fax Number

Mail To: Wendy Thompson
KADA, 152 Consumer Lane, Frankfort KY 40601
Fax To: 502-695-5790