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Convention Sponsorship

KADA 2016 Convention

Ritz Carlton - Naples, Florida

June 20-24, 2016




Platinum Sponsor(s)                                                                $15,000 & over

Includes exclusive recognition at the Chairman’s Welcome Reception, two complimentary attendee registrations, a short presentation at the first morning business session, company name listed in the convention program as a Platinum Sponsor, signage with company name throughout the convention, and two full page ads in the KADA newsletter


Gold Sponsor(s)                                                                                  $10,000

Includes one complimentary attendee registration, a short presentation at the second morning business session, company name listed in the convention program as a Gold Sponsor, signage with company name throughout the convention, and one full page ad in the KADA newsletter. **Special for this convention – one day use of pool cabana for meeting hospitality**


Silver Sponsor(s)                                                                                $5,000

Includes company name listed in the convention program as a Silver Sponsor, signage with company name throughout the convention, and a ½ Ad in the KADA newsletter


Bronze Sponsor(s)                                                                              $2,500

Includes company name listed in the convention program as a Bronze Sponsor and signage with company name throughout the convention


Patron Sponsor(s)                                                                              $1,500

Includes company name listed in the convention program as a Patron Sponsor and signage with company name throughout the convention


Company Name: _______________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________


Submit Check Payable to: KADA or Enter Credit Card Payment Information


Card Type ____ Visa _____ MasterCard _____ American Express Card # __________________________Exp Date _________

Name on Card __________________________ Billing Address ___________________________________________________

_____  Or please send invoice

Send to: 

Wendy Thompson
152 Consumer Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-695-3333
Fax: 502-695-5790